Portal 2 Secrets / Chapter 6 - Aperture 1970s - Vitrified Doors 4-6. Portal 2 Walkthrough / Chapter 6 - Part 3: Repulsion Gel Room 1 of 3. Once you get the radio, backtrack through the level, and place a portal on the pad across from the window. Portal 2 is divided into chapters, which are divided into test chambers and other segments, and so is this guide, naturally. We put in Achievement / Trophy videos where they are relevant as well.
Proceed forwardand appear for some steel to the perfect that goes over to another system.Stroll along that steel to obtain there.Move to the much corner of this area andturn close to. Use the sections on the right to navigate to the level of which you require, and play the video. And in here is our first encounter with the orange Propulsion Gel within the game and within this Portal 2 walkthrough.